# OpenWRT for LimeWRT 2023-05 - OpenWRT Version: v22.03.5 (v22.03 branch) `695a22ab157577a4143f7a76bcbdaa59305905e3` - Repository: `http://repo.dailylime.kr/openwrt-2023-05/targets/bcm27xx/bcm2711/packages/` ## Key Changes - Fix to disable https scheme on default repository `repo.dailylime.kr` (device time and CA certificate issue) ## Build Configuration - Build config: `config.buildinfo` ([Link](https://public.nas.dailylime.kr/openwrt-2023-05/targets/bcm27xx/bcm2711/config.buildinfo)) - Build commands: `IGNORE_ERRORS="n m" FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURATION=1 make -j4 defconfig clean download world` ## Features - All userspace modules (except failed ones) - Enlarged root filesystem to 4GiB for `ext4` (manual work required for `squashfs` variant) - Updated `tailscale` (v1.36.2) to the latest available version - Further updates cannot be easily done due to `golang` version limitations (`>=1.20`). ## Preinstalled Packages - ~~Wireguard~~ (Manually install later) - OpenVPN - Wake On Lan - SQM QoS - IPv6 over IPv4 (HE.net) - LuCI Korean Language Pack - [Argon Theme](https://github.com/jerrykuku/luci-theme-argon) - Manual download: [Argon Theme Manager](https://github.com/jerrykuku/luci-app-argon-config/releases/download/v0.8-beta/luci-app-argon-config_0.8-beta_all.ipk) - ~~Docker~~ (Manually install later) - Dynamic DNS - ~~https-dns-proxy~~ (Manually install later) ## Preinstalled Drivers - `kmod-r8169` (DFRobot CM4 Router I/O Board)